Limited Submission Overview
UIUC has a limited submission selection process because government agencies, private foundations, and corporate sponsors often accept only a limited number of proposals, applications, or nominations from a single institution (thus the term “Limited Submissions”).
Limited Submissions Selection Process
The OVCRI oversees the limited submission selection process and selects one or more proposals that will be submitted to the sponsor informed by the review process. The typical process for selection is outlined below, although exceptions are made in certain situations: for example, when the deadline is short, when the program is highly focused, or when a proposal involves a strategic interest of the university.
The OVCRI normally delegates responsibility for programs related to graduate student education and research to the Graduate College and may delegate responsibility for other specialized funding opportunities to other relevant campus units. The delegated unit is responsible for the application process, reviews, and campus approval and may follow procedures different from those outlined below.
Faculty and other researchers wishing to pursue a limited submission opportunity must work with the OVCR or the delegated unit. A researcher responding to a limited submission opportunity must follow the process outlined below and obtain campus approval prior to sending a proposal to the Sponsored Program Administration (SPA).
Learn More About Limited Submissions
Explore all of the steps of the Limited Submissions Process by visiting this site: